We have gathered a list of all North Derbyshire schools rated by Ofsted this month as September comes to an end.We have gathered a list of all North Derbyshire schools rated by Ofsted this month as September comes to an end.
We have gathered a list of all North Derbyshire schools rated by Ofsted this month as September comes to an end.

All 17 North Derbyshire schools rated by Ofsted in September 2023 – from inadequate to outstanding

We have gathered a list of all North Derbyshire schools rated by Ofsted during September.

Ofsted inspectors visit schools across England to ensure that the educational institutions are performing well and preparing pupils for further education and life in a community.

Each school is given a rating – outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate.

Here is the full list of 17 North-East Derbyshire schools that have been recently visited by inspectors and rated this month.

Here is the full list of 17 North-East Derbyshire schools that have been recently visited by inspectors and rated this month.