Blade snatcher snared by security guard

Chesterfield magistrates court.Chesterfield magistrates court.
Chesterfield magistrates court.
A drug-user who stole two packets of razor blades from an Alfreton store was caught red-handed by an eagle-eyed security guard.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Monday, April 7, how Barry Bennett, 37, of Openacre, Ironville, had stolen the razor blades from Wilkinson’s.

Prosecuting solicitor John Cooper said: “A security guard watched CCTV and watched Bennett on the toiletries’ aisle and saw him select razor blades and conceal them in his left-hand coat pocket.

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“He stopped the male before he left and he asked the male to show him what he had and he produced two packets of razor blades totalling £34 and they were still in their packaging.

“The defendant was taken to the back of the store and had no means of payment and police attended and he was interviewed.”

Mr Cooper explained that Bennett told police he was going to plead guilty at court for the offence despite also opting to give no further comment.

Mr Cooper added: “Bennett said he had a £10 a day heroin addiction and was trying to wean himself off the drug but had obviously failed to do so.”

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Bennett pleaded guilty to stealing the two packets of razor blades after the incident in April.

The court heard how Bennett had also breached a community order which he had received in February for committing three other thefts.

Defence solicitor Philip Bloor said Bennett had assured him he had been clean of drugs before Christmas.

But Bennett had since developed a £10 a day heroin habit, according to Mr Bloor, after an associate of Bennett’s offered to buy him some drugs and the defendant, who is on benefits, has been struggling to meet costs.

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Mr Bloor said the defendant told him he had dabbled with drugs and had become hooked again.

Magistrates adjourned the case for a probation report and Bennett was subsequently sentenced to a 12 month community order with a thinking skills programme. He was also ordered to do 60 hours of unpaid work and must pay an £80 victim surcharge.

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