Eerie tale wins story contest

Ilam Hall in Ilam Park, White Peak Estate, Derbyshire.Ilam Hall in Ilam Park, White Peak Estate, Derbyshire.
Ilam Hall in Ilam Park, White Peak Estate, Derbyshire.
A scary story from the Peak District has come out top in a region–wide competition.

The National Trust chose ten–year–oldAmelia Allsop’s terrifying tale ‘An Eerie Night at Ilam Park’ as the winner in the age ten to 12 category of its Spooky Story competition.

The competition was open to children aged 12 and under. More than 180 children submitted a 500–word story inspired by a visit to one of the National Trust’s properties in the Midlands. Amelia’s winning story was inspired by Ilam’s mysterious landscape and features witches, spooky noises and sinister shadows.

She said: “I decided to enter the competition because I don’t really write many stories at home and I thought it would help me with my school work.”

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