Moped superheroes

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An intrepid group of superheroes, including two brothers from Hayfield, have completed an epic road trip from Land’s End to John O’Groats on mopeds to raise money for The Christie.

Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Bananaman and Captain America completed the 930-mile trip in just five days using identical C90 Honda mopeds, with a top speed of 45mph.

The group, Ben Hallam of Hallam Brothers Garage in Hayfield who was Superman, brother George who was Spiderman, Batman John Bennett and Sam and Steven Jenkinson, who were Bananaman and Captain America respectively, have raised more than £5,000 for the charity.

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Ben and George were keen to raise money for The Christie after their dad Colin had an operation then chemotherapy for stomach cancer in 1997. Sadly the cancer spread and Colin passed away later that year.

Sam and Steven Jenkinson’s mother Mary also received treatment at the Christie for ovarian cancer but sadly died in 2008.

Ben said: “I’ve known about The Christie for years and the great work they do, but when I saw how they helped my dad and other friends who have had cancer I realised how important the work really was. I wanted to do something to help and knew that by raising money for The Christie it was going to a great cause.”

“We had loads of people beeping their horns at us in support of what we were doing,” John said. “Normally, people would be shaking a fist if five low-powered mopeds were holding them up, but everyone who passed us seemed to realise it was all for a good cause.”