Lockdown routine may be deadly dull - but it's still saving lives

Mandy Marples, senior matron for surgical support services, has described the 'relentless' second wave of coronavirus at Chesterfield Royal Hospital.Mandy Marples, senior matron for surgical support services, has described the 'relentless' second wave of coronavirus at Chesterfield Royal Hospital.
Mandy Marples, senior matron for surgical support services, has described the 'relentless' second wave of coronavirus at Chesterfield Royal Hospital.
It only really struck home to me how tragically dull life has become during lockdown when I took my mum for her covid jab last week.

Ordinarily, a drive to Dronfield on a gloomy January day would not be the sort of day trip that would get the heart pounding.

The stretch of the A61 from Whitt Moor to Lowedges is unlikely to ever make into the list of the world’s most picturesque drives, but it’s amazing how any change of scenery can look beautiful.

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We all get into routines, but in lockdown those habits have become almost a prison, with the weekly trip to the supermarket the closest thing to getting out of the cell.

Of course, my routine of being stuck in the same house/office building for most of the time is nothing compared to the pressures being faced by our brilliant NHS workers.

For them, routine is saving the lives of countless local people, day after day.

Anyone in any doubt that our health workers are genuine heroes need only read the heartfelt words of Mandy Marples, senior matron for surgical support services at Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

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Her message to us all was really clear.

Mandy’s message to the people of the area who want to help is clear.

“Please, please, please stay home and follow all the Government guidelines and safety advice,” she said.

"We understand the frustration as we are experiencing the same thing.

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"We also miss our family and friends but every day we see the very worst of what this virus is doing to people and the best thing you can do to stem the tide and help us and our patients is to stick to the guidelines, keep going and see it through.”

Lockdown may be grinding and the novelty wore off long, long ago. But even though we’re all climbing the four walls we’re stuck inside day in and day, we have to tough it out – and do our bit to help Mandy and her team.